22-24 October 2025

Leiden, The Netherlands

(19-21 May)

DAY 1: Introductory short course
8h30-9h00 Registration
9h00-9h10 Welcome to Bayes2010
Bruno Boulanger, CEO, Arlenda
9h10-12h00 Bayesian theory and practice using WinBUGS (Part I)
Philippe Lambert, Professor, ULg and UCL, Belgium
Astrid Jullion, Senior Statistician, UCB, Belgium
12h00-13h00 Lunch
13h00-16h00 Bayesian theory and practice using WinBUGS (Part II)
Philippe Lambert, Professor, ULg and UCL, Belgium
Astrid Jullion, Senior Statistician, UCB, Belgium
DAY 2: Presentation of Bayesian applications
9h00-9h40 A Bayesian approach for computing a multivariate mixed-effects prediction model with ICH Q8 design space applications.
John Peterson, Research Statistics Unit, GlaxosmithKline Parmaceuticals, Philadelphia, USA
9h40-10h20 Use of Bayesian Multivariate hierarchical predicition models to optimize chromatographic methods.
Pierre Lebrun, Lab. Analytical Chemistry, ULg, Belgium
10h20-10h40 Coffee break
10h40-11h20 Prediction-based decisions in early stages: two applications.
Astrid Jullion, Senior Statistician, UCB Belgium
11h20-12h00 Behavioral Testing of Antidepressant Compounds: An Analysis of Crossover Design for Correlated Binary Data when number of trails is a random variable using hierarchical Bayesian models.
Ziv Shkedy, U Hasselt
12h00-13h00 Lunch
13h00-13h40 A Bayesian Adaptive Sampling Time design for estimating non-linear hierarchical models in constraint setting: application for pediatric development.
Jonathan Jaeger, UCL, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
13h40-14h20 A modified Hierarchical Continuous Reassessment Method (CRM) applied to a first-in-man study.
Anne Benoit, Statistician, UCB, Belgium
14h20-14h40 Coffee break
14h40-15h20 Survival modeling and ways to deal with missing and censored data in Bayesian modeling: application to oncology development.
Benoît Beck, CEO, Arxios, Belgium
15h20-16h00 A prediction-based Clinical Utility Index for dose determination in drug development: Design space thinking applied to clinical development.
Bruno Boulanger, CEO, Arlenda
DAY 3: Advanced short course
9h00-9h40 Dealing with Censored, Truncated and Missing Values in WinBugs
Benoît Beck, CEO, Arxios, Belgium
9h40-10h20 Bugs and grid computing: solutions to make it happen.
Maud Destrée, Senior Consultant, IT, UCB, Belgium
10h20-10h40 Coffee break
10h40-11h00 Beyond Bugs for peforming Bayesian analyses: JAGS, R & co..
Benoît Beck, CEO, Arxios, Belgium
11h20-12h00 Bayesian modeling in SAS today.
Ziv Shkedy, Statistical Consultant, U. Hasselt, Belgium
12h00-12h15 Closing Remarks.
Astrid Jullion, Senior Statistician, UCB Belgium


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