Venue & Accommodation


Golden Tulip & Tulip Inn Leiden Centre

Schipholweg 3
2316 XB Leiden

How to reach the hotel by public transportation:

From Amsterdam, Schiphol, and The Hague, trains arrive in Leiden 4 times an hour. All buses serving Leiden also stop at the NS station. From the main entrance, you will see the hotel diagonally on the left across the road (100 meters).

If you are coming by car Parking is available at the rear of our hotel. The cost is € 19.50 per night.


A limited number of rooms have been reserved at preferential rates for Bayes2025 participants at the Golden Tulip & Tulip Inn Leiden Centre.

After registering for the conference, you will receive an email with all the necessary information to book your room.

Please note that the number of rooms available at the preferential rate is limited, early booking is highly recommended.